Social reintegration of women who completed residential treatment by drug abuse


  • Solveig Erendira Rodríguez Kuri Centros de Integración Juvenil Universidad Anáhuac
  • Verónica Pérez Islas
  • Carmen Fernández Cáceres



Social reintegration, treatment, women, drug abuse, drug dependence.


Objective. This study aimed to identify the main barriers to the social reintegration of female who completed a residential treatment for alcohol and other drugs abuse and dependence. Method. It was carried out a study based on individual in-depth and focused interviews, to ten women who completed their short or median stay residential treatment in Guadalajara, Acapulco and Monterrey CIJ internment units. Results. The main barriers identified during the reintegration process are: 1) Concern of being stigmatized, with two categories: by transgressing the precepts of the female and the maternal roles 2) Couple relationships, with four categories: Co-dependent relationships, breakdown of the relationship, drug abuse of the partner and dissatisfaction 3) performance of the maternal role, including: loss of the maternal role; difficulties in recovering the maternal role; and, pregnancy and maternity 4) Identity problems, with two categories: body image and drug abuse; and, identity and drug abuse 5) Impairment of family relationships, with two categories: loss of confidence and unsolved old conflicts; 6) Inequities in social support 7) Freedom vs. Control, including: rehabilitative process and loss of freedom; patterns of family control; and, employment and autonomy. Conclusion. It was confirmed the need to develop reintegration programs differentiated by gender.


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Author Biography

Solveig Erendira Rodríguez Kuri, Centros de Integración Juvenil Universidad Anáhuac

Solveig Eréndira Rodríguez Kuri

Doctora en Psicología por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México donde antes cursó estudios de licenciatura y maestría en la misma área. Actualmente es jefa del Departamento de Investigación Clínica y Epidemiológica de Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. en el cual ha realizado estudios de investigación evaluativa, de género y de factores y trastornos asociados al consumo de drogas, entre otros. Actualmente es docente de la maestría en Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Anáhuac y anteriormente en el módulo de Investigación de la Especialidad para el Tratamiento de las Adicciones que imparte en CIJ y ha tomado parte en diversos foros científicos nacionales e internacionales. Ha publicado diversos artículos en revistas científicas especializadas y escrito diversos capítulos de libro sobre el tema de las adicciones. Es coautora del libro “Depresión y Consumo de Drogas”  publicado por Editorial Trillas. En 2010 ingresó al “Sistema Nacional de Investigadores”.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Kuri, S. E., Pérez Islas, V., & Fernández Cáceres, C. (2017). Social reintegration of women who completed residential treatment by drug abuse. Health and Addictions Journal/Revista Salud Y Drogas, 17(2), 45–56.


